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Heavy Mineral Geochemistry and Indicator Mineral Exploration
Industry Pioneer and Global Leader

Overburden Drilling Management Limited is the industry pioneer and global leader in heavy mineral geochemistry and indicator mineral exploration.
Our renowned high-capacity mineral processing laboratory and experienced geological team, founded by Stuart Averill, has pioneered innovative indicator mineral techniques for gold, all critical mineral deposit types, and more.
Mineral Separations
ODM’s laboratory specializes in mineral extractions, preparing research-grade mineral separates for geochronology and isotopic studies. We are a leader in utilizing electric-pulse disaggregation (EPD) to provide clean and superior mineral separates for researchers from all over the world. EPD uses high-voltage pulse to comminute rock with tensile forces liberating minerals along grain boundaries. We prepare a wide range of mineral separates, including: zircon, apatite, monazite, feldspar, baddeleyite, sericite, illite, biotite, muscovite, hornblende, garnet, and sulphides. Our separates are suitable for radiometric, fission track, cosmogenic nuclide and luminescence geochronology.
Gold Grains
ODM is the world leader in the recovery and classification of fine gold grains. This proven technique is key to detect anomalies and dispersal trains, and estimate the distance gold grains have travelled from the source mineralization.
Indicator Mineralogy
ODM’s core business is extracting and identifying indicator minerals from till and stream sediments for critical mineral exploration. ODM is proud to have developed suites of indicator minerals targeting critical minerals in all geologic and environmental terrains specifically: Gold, Porphyry-Cu, Lithium, Ni-Cu-PGE, Cu-Zn-Pb, Rare Earth, Kimberlite (Diamond), Uranium and Heavy Mineral Sands.
Till Surveys
For 50 years, ODM has specialized in collecting till samples by reverse circulation and rotosonic drilling and surface sampling. ODM designs and executes RC and surface sampling surveys in areas of thick and thin overburden cover in all regions of Canada – from the Cordillera of British Columbia, frost boils of the Arctic and in the forests and bogs central North America, including the Abitibi, and Atlantic Canada, including Newfoundland.
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